Educator's Toolkit
Literacy Development
261 resources.
The Literacy Development topic includes resources that support literacy instruction not only in English Language Arts classrooms but also across all content areas.
Mathematical Practices
400 resources.
Mathematical Practices include a wide variety of mathematical expertise that educators at all levels seek to develop in their students, including processes and proficiencies.
Meaningful Feedback
28 resources.
This topic includes resources to support educators in providing meaningful feedback to students as well as resources that support students providing meaningful feedback to each other.
Media Literacy
23 resources.
The media literacy topic includes resources that support educators as they strive to equip students to process information from all types of media. Media Literate students possess the knowledge and skills to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media.
Personalized Learning
22 resources.
Personalized learning facilitates the academic success of each student by determining the learning needs, interests, and aspirations of students, and providing learning experiences that are customized for each student.
Planning for Instruction
57 resources.
A fundamental responsibility of educators is planning instruction that improves student learning outcomes. The resources in this topic support educators as they plan for structure of the learning experience, pacing and time management.
Real-world Relevance
49 resources.
Resources that support real-world relevance refer to information on learning experiences that are either directly applicable to the personal aspirations, interests, or cultures of students or that are connected to real-world issues, problems and contexts.
Recognizing Teaching Effectiveness
41 resources.
This topic includes resources that refer to best practices of effective teachers who positively impact student outcomes in learning.
Rigorous Learning
50 resources.
Resources that support rigorous learning equip educators to help students understand complex or contentious knowledge and concepts and acquire skills that can be applied in a variety of educational, career, and civic contexts throughout their lives.
Standards Alignment
40 resources.
This topic includes resources that provide information about academic standards and the application of standards to classroom instruction.
Student Motivation
65 resources.
This topic includes resources that address student motivation, the factors influencing motivation and strategies to encourage internal motivation.
Technology Integration
39 resources.
Resources in this topic support the use of technology tools during the learning process in order for students to apply computer and technology skills to content learning, problem solving, and the application of knowledge.