Error message

Deprecated function: strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in rasp_block_view() (line 2667 of /home/ai_resource/site_resources_dev/sites/all/modules/rasp/rasp.module).

Grade 3 Supply and Demand Reading Unit

Grade 3 Supply and Demand Reading Unit

Standards & Objectives

Learning objectives: 

The goal of this unit is to teach third grade students to read closely and critically in order to comprehend complex informational text. In this unit, the teacher uses a variety of strategies to actively engage students in analyzing vocabulary, answering text-dependent questions, and summarizing the text. Students learn to take notes using a graphic organizer and to use those notes to develop a deeper understanding of the text and for later use in writing. Discussions and writing exercises help students to construct meaning of the texts in a way that “sticks.”

Essential and guiding questions: 

After reading the text aloud, ask students, “What is this text mostly about?” “What is the main idea?”
Guide students to what this text is mostly about.
Have students give evidence from the text to support their ideas. Accept all responses but encourage students to return to the text for details.
Examples of teacher questions that draw students back into the text:

  • “Why?”
  • “Where did you see that?”
  • “What lines in the text support your ideas?”
  • “Let me see if we can find that part and read it again.”
  • “How do you know?”
  • “What words in the text make you think that?”

Unit Variations

Blooms taxonomy level: 
Differentiation suggestions: 

Ways to Support Struggling Readers and Writers:
This unit is designed to be taught in a whole group setting with many scaffolds and supports throughout. The reading and thinking are modeled through the asking of text dependent questions and repeated readings. The writing can be modeled by the teacher so that students can co-create or copy the writing. Teachers should have a plan for releasing more and more of the writing to students. Oral language is essential for language comprehension growth. Teachers should continuously engage students in higher levels of oral language throughout the unit. Teachers should use content specific vocabulary in conversations with students. Students should use the content specific vocabulary in collaborative conversations with the teacher and peers as they build off of comments. 

Extension suggestions: 

Possible Writing Extensions:

  • Read writing with a partner and exchange feedback on meaning and conventions.
  • Students can edit and revise their papers on their own, in collaboration with their peers or based on teacher corrections.
  • Student papers can be scored using the rubrics found here:
  • Papers can be published digitally and enhanced with graphics and/or photographs.

Possible Social Studies Extensions for Third Grade:

  • Locate information about how specific goods or services produced in North America are exchanged on the worldwide market. This activity addresses Tennessee Social Studies (2014-2015) standard 3.26.
  • Compile a short list of popular products that third graders would like to buy. Have students research how supply and demand affects the cost or availability of these products. This activity addresses Tennessee Social Studies (2014-2015) standard 3.25.