Impact Factor 1: Learning Time
Learn how developing proficiency with a skill or developing a defined level of conceptual understanding takes time. As students grow in proficiency or understanding, they gradually go through a number of overlapping stages. First, they start with a vague awareness that can grow to rote knowledge that allows for minimal mimicking. Next, they progress through levels of slow and deliberate use to levels of rapid and complex use. Finally, they reach the highest levels where they are able to apply or modify their understandings rapidly in unexpected situations. Learn this and more on the Teaching for Excellence website -
28/3 - On average, starting at zero (no prior knowledge about a concept or skill), learners need about 28 engagements or practices in the learning that gradually build in increasing levels of difficulty and are spread out over about three weeks to develop understanding or proficiency.
Classroom Management
Give some of these activities a try for deep and lasting learning -