Big Transfer Goals: Writing like Real Writers
Writing is an important literacy skill for mathematical proficiency. In this session, presenters will share their collaborative effort to implement writing in the middle school math classroom. The team will share their experience as they analyzed student work samples, provided peer feedback, and shared ideas. The presenters will actively engage participants through modeling of writing strategies. Leave with a variety of resources to support creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking in the 21st century classroom.
Implementing Writing in the Middle School Math Classroom
In this interactive session, the goal is to explore answers to essential questions with participants as they think meta-cognitively about their own identities as writers and how we can help our students to develop their own writing identities. We will describe the results of our yearlong study as Lipscomb Academy and Lipscomb University partnered and worked with teachers in an elementary school and with first year teachers in K-12 classrooms.