Error message

  • Warning: Undefined variable $display_stats_allowed in raspWebinar_view_alter() (line 363 of /home/ai_resource/site_resources_dev/sites/all/modules/rasp/modules/raspWebinar/raspWebinar.module).
  • Deprecated function: strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in rasp_block_view() (line 2667 of /home/ai_resource/site_resources_dev/sites/all/modules/rasp/rasp.module).

Leading from the Classroom

Thursday, September 8, 2022
10:00am to 11:00am (Central Time)
Ayers Institute Webinars


Webinar replay access is limited to eduTOOLBOX members. Please log into eduTOOLBOX® or create your FREE account now.


"When are you going to become a principal?"
Sound familiar? To many, the logical next step after one has achieved a measurable level of success as a teacher is to pursue the administrative path. This is a great step for many, and a noble pursuit. But what if you love to lead -- you just don’t want to leave the classroom?  What is the logical next step for you?

Join Dr. Rachael Milligan, assistant dean of Lipscomb University’s College of Education, Director of the Ayers Institute, and lead faculty of Lipscomb’s Leading in Curriculum and Instruction program and a special guest as they discuss leading from the classroom. Learn about the characteristics of strong teacher leadership and gain practical strategies for honing your leadership skills from the classroom.

This online webinar is appropriate for teachers and those who work with educators in planning their career path. We will send you instructions for joining the live session and the video replay in the days prior to the online webinar.