Amusement Park Physics
This animated interactive website allows explore various rides at an amusement park. Student may construct a roller coaster using variables of height of first and second hill, shape of first hill, exit path and a loop or no loop. Student may then evaluate, redesign, and retest their roller coaster. Another ride is the bumper cars which give various scenarios between bumper cars with changes in mass and/or velocity. Students are asked to predict the outcome of collisions. other sites describe sites at the park and the science behind how they work.
This website is an excellent way to embed engineering with instruction of potential and kinetic energy and Newtonu2019s Laws of Motion. It would be a good way to review concepts as well.
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eduToolbox® is a resource-sharing portal developed by the Ayers Institute for Learning & Innovation with collaborative support and funding from the Tennessee Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Education's Math & Science Partnership program.