Hardy-Weinberg Principle : Understanding Allele and Genotype Frequency in Population-Kahn Academy
Khan Academy is the world's first free, world-class virtual school where anyone can learn anything--for free. Students can watch some 2,400 videos in which the site’s founder, Salman Khan, chattily discusses principles of science. The videos are decidedly lo-fi, and are generally seven to 14 minutes long. The videos are a good collection of instruction on the internet allowing learners to fill in almost any of their "gaps" with the content on this site.
These short videos are good resources for students who need extra instruction or another way to study. Students will find Salman's explanation of Hardy Weinberg easy to understand and apply.
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eduToolbox® is a resource-sharing portal developed by the Ayers Institute for Learning & Innovation with collaborative support and funding from the Tennessee Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Education's Math & Science Partnership program.