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Deprecated function: strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in rasp_block_view() (line 2667 of /home/ai_resource/site_resources_dev/sites/all/modules/rasp/rasp.module).

2nd Grade Task: Addie's Equation

2nd Grade Task: Addie's Equation

Standards & Objectives

Essential and guiding questions: 


  • ƒCan anyone tell me some ways you solved for the missing number? 
  • Why did you choose this method?
  • ƒWhy do these give you the same answer? Explain.

Comparing Stories

  • ƒHow do we know that these stories match the equation? 
  • What are some key words that help us out?
  • ƒAre there words that help us know when to add and subtract in each story?

Activity/Task Variations

Blooms taxonomy level: 
Differentiation suggestions: 

If students can’t get started….

Assessing Questions

  • Where do you think you should start? What do you know you can do? Draw a picture to help you.
  • Think about your favorite game or candy. Using these ideas, try to write a story based on those things. Can you come up with a game or activity to make this fun to read?
Extension suggestions: 

If students finish early….

Assessing Questions

  • ƒHow did you solve for the missing number? Discuss your method with a peer.
  • Trade stories with a partner. Are you able to write out the equation the story is telling you about? 
  • Does it match the equation given in the problem?
  • Advancing Questions
  • Instead of a 6, make that number a 12. How does that change the missing number? 
  • Can you compute this mentally? 
  • How?
  • ƒCome up with your own equation. Switch with a partner and write a story based on your partner’s equation.