Mitosis: An Interactive Animation
This site has been a proverbial teacher favorite for years. The site itself contains several interactive animations that explain various concepts in cell biology, microbiology, immunology and microscopy. The site also provides stock video, a free CD-ROM and other multimedia downloads.
This is an interactive animation in which the teacher can click on a particular stage of mitosis to show the stage in isolation or use the play feature that shows all stages consecutively. This would be a great animation for the teacher to show the class as a whole group, but one could also give students an opportunity to explore on their own so they can study stages in isolation. The cell cycle animation is also available on the same site (on the left) to show where mitosis occurs in the cycle.
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eduToolbox® is a resource-sharing portal developed by the Ayers Institute for Learning & Innovation with collaborative support and funding from the Tennessee Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Education's Math & Science Partnership program.