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Graffiti Wall: Discussing and Responding to Literature Using Graphics

This lesson is used for discussion of a novel read by the whole class. Working individually and in groups, using symbols, drawings, shapes, and colors, alongside words and quotations, students construct a graphic of their section of the novel using an online tool and on newsprint or butcher paper with crayons or markers. When all groups have completed their graphics, they will present them to the class, explaining why they chose the elements they used. Finished graphics can be displayed on a class bulletin board, on walls, or on a Web page. Finally, students will write an individual essay analyzing one element of the novel. Great lesson plan that includes a PowerPoint on the elements of fiction, multi-media projects, ideas for extension, and rubrics for assessments.

Standards & Objectives

Learning objectives: 

Students will:

  • indicate personal preferences by voting on a novel for class study from a teacher-provided list. 
  • demonstrate understanding of the elements of fiction by creating a graffiti journal to guide their discussion. 
  • work individually and in cooperative groups to create a graffiti graphic over their section of the novel. 
  • present their group graphic to the whole class as a way of sharing their section and connecting their graphical representation to the text. 
  • participate in whole-class discussion of the character development, plot line, themes, and symbolic structure developed in the novel. 
  • write an individual essay on a topic related to their described literary element.

Lesson Variations

Blooms taxonomy level: 
Extension suggestions: 
  • Have students develop a Website about the novel by posting graffiti graphics in chronological order and hyperlinking student essays to their particular graphics

Helpful Hints

Materials and Technology:

  • Graffiti journal for each student 
  • Large sheet of butcher paper or newsprint for each group 
  • Crayons and markers 
  • Links to online writing labs with suggestions for ways to develop essays. A few are suggested in the Websites section.

